Sustainability Reviews
Reith Energy's core offering is a sustainability review, which is a comprehensive exercise to understand all the ways our clients spend money, consume resources, damage the environment, and produce value. Mind mapping is an excellent tool to accomplish this because it dissects usages, displays relationships, and points the way toward improving performance. The outcome of this analysis is to identify where resources and money are needlessly consumed, and where pollution and waste is generated. Then analysis also identifies relationships in resource usage that may be strengthened through improvements and innovations to increase productivity and enhance value generation. A client's investment in a sustainability review and improvement plan is invariably more than compensated by the savings immediately realized. Plus, the mind map and insights set the stage for dramatic improvements in the way an enterprise pursues its mission, engages its stakeholders, and serves its community.
Alternative Generation and Feasibility Studies
Mind maps also help develop solutions to improve performance, in this case by deploying the renewable energy technology that is best suited to a given client's situation. Whether exploring efficiency measures, resource exchanges, or entirely new processes and facilities, mind maps set forth all the alternatives in a thorough and relational context that insures that no alternatives are overlooked and that relationships are leveraged toward their fullest capacity. Every client has its own unique landscape of operation and opportunity. Whether working with Reith Energy or or on your own, the generation of mind maps such as shown here will be sure to help you understand and effectively navigate that landscape
Climate Stewardship
A key objective of many Reith Energy clients is to reduce their negative impact on climate, principally by cutting emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Reducing CO2 emissions is worthy in its own right, and in many countries and states it also cuts spending on emissions fees and offsets. We use a systematic process called an Energy Resource Carbon Management Assessment to understand GHG emissions and exposure, to identify reduction measures, and to support their implementation.
Environmental Excellence, Ensured Profitability, and Social Responsibility
Reith Energy promotes environmental excellence through an exceptionally wide variety of services, each tailored to the needs, circumstances, and requests our clients. These include development of waste management plans, designs for remediating contaminated land and water, deployment of renewable energy, and commercialization of environmental technologies. We provide training on both technical issues and management strategies such as ISO 14001. Whether starting our relationship with you by performing a sustainability review or by focusing on a pressing environmental challenge, we always bring a holistic approach. How do we increase your sustainability, reduce your risk, ensure your profitability, and elevate your standing in and service to the community? These objectives may be realizable through training, consulting, and hands-on endeavor. Two key ingredients are context and community. Reith Energy's systematic analysis, inclusive engagement strategy, and wellspring of experience will bring these to your table and contribute to your success in realizing your dreams and growing into a truly sustainable enterprise.